NEW YouTube Channel-New Grape Resource-New Photos
Three New Short Videos
on Grape Subjects of Interest

If you haven't already seen the 60 Minutes Show on 12.26.21 called "Weather and Wine" discussing at length grapes and climate change, it is really excellent and timely.
See it here:

Also just uploaded new Winter 2022 Vineyard Photos NEW photos taken before pruning that will begin at the end of February you can see the structure and the growth of grapes grown in Kona that have been pruned 98% the year before. Also, 3 new Videos.
Download and read the results of our grape trials!
The Best Bunch Grape Varieties From Trials Kawanui Farm 2015-2022
Grape Stakeholders: Announcement

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P.O. Box 906 Kealakekua HI 96750
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